PE - Ty Armstrong

Makerspace - Dara Pena

Music - Tracey Smitherman
My name is Tracy Smitherman. I graduated from Texas A&M University with Bachelors of Science Degree in General Education for grades 1-8. I also have a Reading Endorsement for grades 1-8. This will be my 20th year of teaching. I have taught-*Remedial Reading (1st-6th) --- 2nd grade—4th grade----7th grade Literature---Librarian and Music Teacher.
I’ve been married to my wonderful husband, Gary for 29 years. Together we have three fabulous children. Jake is 26, Ross is 24 and Tess is 17.
I love to travel, especially by cruise ship! I have been in 49 of the 50 US states ( still need Alaska) and have either been on or lived in three of the seven continents. (Asia, Europe and North America)
I am a published poet. I love to read.
I am excited and proud to be a Smith Stem Academy Eagle!