Counselor's Corner

Megan Slovacek
Counseling Services
There are a variety of counseling services that are offered at Smith STEM Academy. These counseling services include individual counseling, group counseling, crisis intervention, academic support, and restorative practices.
How to Access Counseling:
Students are able to request a visit to the counselor through the counselor or their teacher. Parents can also request counseling for their child. This can be done through email or a phone call. The counselor can be reached at or Ext: 25618.
Counseling Curriculum:
VISD elementary schools use Character Strong for our daily counseling curriculum. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) is daily the first 15 minutes of every day for our entire campus. The counselor and SEBSS create weekly lessons for teachers to implement at the start of each day. The counselor goes daily into classrooms during SEL time. Friday’s SEL lesson is completed through TEAMS with the entire campus with instruction provided by the counselor and SEBBS.
Group Counseling Programs:
The counselor provides a variety of small groups throughout the school year. The counselor determines the type of small groups through observation and needs of our students. If your child is selected for a small group, a permission form will be sent home with information regarding the group.
Reach out to the counselor if you are interested in your child needing additional resources or outside counseling services. Resources are available per request.
Coffee with the Counselor:
Monthly parent meetings are available for all our parents. Each month focuses on a different topic to inform parents and to help parents with different social emotional needs of their children and parenting tips. Sometimes there are also guest speakers that present at our monthly parent meetings.
Safe Place:
Every classroom at Smith STEM has a designated safe space. A “safe place” is a designated space in the classroom that allows students to self-regulate when they are having big feelings. Every safe place has social emotional tools to help regulate those big feelings. The safe place is an optional space for students to use as needed.
Parent Information
Here are some ways you can support your child’s mental health at school:
Communication -Talk to your child about their day. Ask them questions and let them know they can come to you.
Create a safe place - Listen when your child talks to you. Put devices away to give your child your full attention. Listen without interrupting or judging. Show your child you fully support them.
Positive feedback - Let your child know that you are proud of them. Give your child compliments and positive affirmations. Let your child know they are never alone.
Encourage healthy habits - Promote healthy eating and physical activity.
Maintain routines - Create and stick to a familiar routine. This helps to provide a sense of stability for your child.
Watch for warning signs - Pay attention to a change in your child’s behavior at school or home, mood, sleep patterns, or eating habits. Any changes in these behaviors could indicate that your child is struggling.