
What do I do when my child is absent?
1. Call the school (The phone call does not excuse the absence, you must have a written note)
2. Send a note when your child returns to school. If you forget to write a note or in a rush, come into the office and you can fill out a short form.
3. Notes must be submitted to the school office no later than 5 school days after the student's absence(s)
* The principal will determine if the absence is excused or unexcused.
What do I do when my child has a doctor's appointment?
1. Call the school.
2. Bring the doctor's note to school.
Rewards for no tardies and/or no absences
We have rewards for no tardies and/or no absences, such as Tardy Free Party, Campus Based Perfect Attendance Award. We are also doing Movie Under The Stars for having no absences and no tardies.